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Robert’s Rules of Order in Iran

Since about thirty years ago, I have been publishing journals for varieties of organizations and, according to my profession, my main concern was the ineffectiveness and failure of social organizations in Iran. More than a decade ago (2007) and during the study of the bylaws of various organizations, for the first time, I met Robert’s Rules Orders, and since then my main concern has been the learning of these rules, the understanding of the historical factors of the emergence of these rules in the civilized society, and the historical barriers of the rule of law in non-civilized countries, and to effort to educate and promote these rules in Iran. I think that the experiences gained in this field, which are the product of the historic clash of globalization with a rural crowd who immigrated to Tehran, are worth reaching the universal audience. For this reason, I try to present parts of my recollection to the "rule of law" enthusiasts around the world through a series of notes published on this website.

Articles in this section

Image: a page of the first number of The Students’ Union Gazette of the American University of Beirut - 1915

The first introduction of Robert’s Rules of Order to the Middle East (Articles)

Tuesday 17 November 2015

It seems that the article titled "Rules of Parliamentary Discipline" which published in the first number of the Students’ Union Gazette of the American University of Beirut in 1915 is the first introducing of Robert’s Rules of Order to the Middle East.

The article that has been written by a young sixteen years old student was in English. Just ninety years later the Arabic translation of Robert’s Rules of Order introduced to the Arab world and after a century the Persian translation of it is to be delivered to the Iranians.

The article is dedicated bellow:

Translation of the Parliamentary Procedure Study Questions into Persian (News)

Monday 2 November 2015
Tْhe National Association of Parliamentarians has developed 300 study questions for its membership examination.The Office of Workshops for Teaching Robert’s Rules of Order translated these questions into Persian and posted them here. These study questions cover the basic points of parliamentary (...)

Who Are Eligible for The Republic? (Articles)

Sunday 4 October 2015

After publishing of the third edition of Robert’s Rules of Order on 1893, The New York Times published in its March 24 number, 1895, an article about the importance of parliamentary low and the significant role of this book. A Persian translation of the article submits to the participants of Workshops for Teaching Robert’s Rules of Order taking place in Tehran, Iran. The following picture is a copy of the article and its Persian translation is also here.

Building up Of Iranian Society of Parliamentary Literature Writers and Translators (News)

Friday 25 September 2015
In the third meeting of parliamentary literature translation workshop took place in Cadres’ Office yesterday. 21 Sept. 2015 in Tehran, Iran, this motion was adopted that Iranian Society of Parliamentary Literature Writers and Translators to be formed. Its main objective would be promotion of (...)

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