كارگاه‌هاي آموزش دستورنامه رابرت (كادرها)

كارگاه‌هاي آموزش دستورنامه رابرت (كادرها)

به وب سایت دفتر کادرها خوش آمدید! شماره تماس: ۸۸۹۱۱۰۱۷ - ۰۲۱
  • دفتر كادرها براي آموزش قواعد پيش‌گزيده ‌ي اداره‌ي انواع مجامع تصميم‌گيري و سازمان‌هاي دموكراتيك تأسيس شده است كه در كتابي با عنوان ‍رابرتز روولز آو اوردر (دستورنامه رابرت) گردآوري و منتشر شده است.
  • كتاب دستورنامه رابرت كه نخستين ويرايش آن در سال ۱۸۷۶ در ايالات متحد آمريكا انتشار يافت و برگردان فارسي ويرايش دهم (سال ۲۰۰۰) آن در دسترس علاقمندان قرار دارد و دوازدهمین ویرایش آن نیز در سال ۲۰۲۰ در آمریکا منتشر شد، قواعد و رويه‌هاي قانون عرفي پارلمان را، با حذف بخش‌هايي از آن كه در خارج از مجامع قانون‌گذاري كاربرد ندارد، تدوين، تشريح و بر مبناي اصول بنيادين قانون پارلمان تبين كرده است. براي قانون عرفي پارلمان سه تعريف ارايه شده است:
    - قواعد بازي دموكراسي
    - قواعد حاكم بر رويه‌هايي كه از طريق آن‌ها قوانين مدني و جزايي تدوين و تصويب مي‌شوند
    - قواعد و آدابي كه بر مجامع و سازمان‌هاي ‌مشورتي و تصميم‌گيري ناظر و حاکم هستند.
  • اگر مایلید از نحوه‌ی سازمان‌دهی به مطالب این وب‌سایت، سر در بیاورید، ادامه این مطلب را اینجا بخوانید!

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First Resolution On First Democracy

Tuesday 2 March 2021

At the regular weekly meeting of the Iranian Society of Parliamentary Literature Writers and Translators, which took place virtually Monday night, March 1, 2021, the members approved their first resolution they prepared collectively on the "First Democracy. The Challenge of an Ancient Idea”, by Paul Woodruff.

First Democracy has been translated into Persian and published in Iran. The resolution urges its readers to read the book carefully. And gives an example of Woodruff’s reasoning about the trail of Socrates in the first democracy the world has ever seen.

In the near future, the Society will issue a resolution on the entire book.

The following is its first resolution:

Perhaps A Turning Point At Iranian Political Activities

Wednesday 5 August 2020
At the last meeting of the sponsors of establishing a new reformist political party took place recently at the Office of Robert’s Rules of Order’s Workshop (the Office), some decisions were made that show a significant turning point at the Iranian political activities. Of course, the claim would (...)

photo: Mr. Otaredian

New Achievement For Robert’s Rules Of Order In Iran

Wednesday 15 July 2020
Everyone who knows Mr. Mohammad Otaredian probably would acknowledge that it is a great achievement for Robert’s Rules of Order in Iran. On Wednesday, July 15, 2020, Mr, Otaredian called the first Iranian self-educated parliamentarian and told him that next Monday they both should meet with Mr. (...)

The Iranian Teachers Organization Appreciates Robert’s Rules Of Order

Monday 13 July 2020
The fifth of July, Sunday, 2020, probably would be a remarkable date in the history of Robert’s Rules of Order in Iran. On the eve of this day, the first meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Iranian Teachers Organization (ITO) took place at the Office of Robert’s Rules Workshops. (...)

First Iranian Political Party With Parliamentary Authority

Monday 6 July 2020
The fourth meeting of sponsors group establishing fist Iranian political reformist party took place on Saturday, June 28. 2020 (Tir 7. 1399) at the Office of Robert’s Rules Workshops in Tehran, Iran. The most distinctive characteristic of this new emerging political party is that it approved the (...)

The Story Of Robert’s Rules In Iran Continues

Monday 6 July 2020
The 17th monthly regular meeting of the sponsors’ group for establishing the Main Association took place on Thursday, June 17, 2020, (Khordad 27, 1399, according to the Iranian calendar), in Tehran, Iran. Those who follow closely the promotion of Robert’s Rules of Order in Iran since about 13 (...)

Robert’s Rules Of Order At The Iranian Teachers Organizing

Monday 6 July 2020
Iranian Teachers Organizing (IRO), despite its name that seems it is a professional one, indeed is a reformist political party, that according to its constitution, its members are only Iranian active or inactive teachers. IRO is one of the first Iranian organizations that became familiar whit (...)

Iranian Society of Parliamentary Literature Writers and Translators studies:

Critique Of First Democracy

Monday 6 July 2020
At the 33rd meeting of the Iranian Society of Parliamentary Literature Writers and Translators, took place virtually Monday night June 22, 2020, at Cadres’ Office in Tehran, Iran, the members exercised preparing a collective resolution according to Robert’s Rules of Order. The Society built up (...)

Fourth Persian Preface to Robert’s Rules of Order Tenth Edition

Wednesday 25 December 2019
The sponsors of the Main Society in their tenth meeting took place on Tuesday 17 Dec. 2019, in the Cadres’ Office in Tehran, approved their own specific preface to the Persian translation of Robert’s Rules of Order Tenth Edition, after a lot of discussions about its contents. Tenth meeting of (...)

Mr. Issa Amini, the President of the Iranian Central Bar Association

Third Persian Preface to Tenth Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order

Monday 9 December 2019
After more than a decade endeavor to promote Robert’s Rules of Order in Iran, on Sunday, Mar. 1, 2019, Mr. Issa Amini, the president of the Iranian Central Bar Association signed the third Persian preface to the Tenth Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order and the book printed in one hundred copies (...)

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